
Healing Hugs and Somatic Process

It's no secret that hugging supports our mental, emotional and physical well being. It is one of the easiest things to do and can also be one of the most difficult in these days of techno/infection isolation. I was chatting recently with a scientist friend of mine. We were exploring how empathy is quickly becoming psychopathy in a divergent, re-engineered social environment. Social isolation seemed to be a primary catalyst for a palpable absence of empathy between human beings and giving rise to an alarming increase in superficiality and narcissism. I discussed with him an article I’d read years ago about how empathy actually begins in the heart as part of a naturally occurring response to humanity. It isn’t about any intentional thought process, it is transcendent of the cognitive mind and requires only proximity, eye contact and silence to fully experience. In later years I would use this process when working with groups and the military suffering with PTSD whose greatest challen...

Samhain 2020 - Rebirthing the Inner Seed

The Seed - Jan 2020 2020 in a nutshell? There is no nutshell! There have been many parallel storylines coming to the surface this year but only one has shied the whole year. The painting. The process. The healing. It started with boredom and an itch - the inner crucible warms up and I let it lead me in search of paint; it had to be paint, lots of paint and a polite tube of acrylic just wouldn't do it. I needed a can of emulsion! At the back of the Aladdin's cave cupboard I spot some very old Farrow & Ball paint. Lime White is what I want and, grabbing a piece of board and some brushes, I run back upstairs with a building sense of urgency.  I set to work prizing the rusted lid from the tin of paint until in one final lever with a screwdriver, it pops off, releasing a somewhat whiffy aroma. It is a smell like fetid earth, like something has been planted and not given air, leaving it to rot and sweat in the ground. There is a thick layer on the top like a scab of gooey, rubber...

Big Change - The Pivot Point

Summon Africa's Spirit by Ravaneli @ Deviant Art I heard a sentence a couple of days really moved me. "Gather power; invite the storm." Hi again, it's been a while, August already and a lot is happening for us. I haven't written since March - the time when my diary began birthing a new prefix for client sessions - 'online with..' Around this time I also began birthing my second You Tube channel - Listening and now, 43 video's later, here is my latest energy update. As I reflect on this last video I really notice that the first card out was card number 44 - Visions of Life Beyond Death. Feels like I made this video an age ago and time is shifting from feeling elastic to completely absent right now. I don't know how my channel will evolve from here but evolve it must. As we approach (some are already in it) this 8/8 Lionsgate energy, I know I'm not the only one staring down big change and here I'll circle back to the sentence -...

Corona, and when the Universe Sends you Lemons....

Hey Beautiful Souls - are you making lemonade yet? Interesting times huh and, capturing some insights from my waking steps, I thought I'd share what I have in case it helps in any way. I'll start with the potentially ludicrous notion that I'm seeing enormous gifts hidden within the madness which prevails both within us and without us. And an overriding thought that it isn't actually about what's happening in the world, it's ALL about how I'm meeting it and what is getting triggered in me. Do I play the hunger games or do I walk a new path, lit only by my own light? Last night I was bombarded with messages, like kite's anchoring into my soul and re-triggering the remnants of some old scarcity fears within me. I found myself entangled and immediately retreated to a healing space to transmute this archaic energy remnant within me. And here's the first gift - The Hermit The Hermit by Erike Miranda @ Deviant Art In Tarot, the Hermit is card...

The Great Bell Chant

(The end of suffering) Read by Thich Nhat Hanh Chanted by Brother Phap Niem Click the pic to go to the video This is a very peaceful meditation to quickly ease a troubled soul or bring joy to the already joyful Happy 2020 xx

2020 Vision

20/20 is a measure of 'normal' visual acuity.  It relates to  the ability to see,  the sense of seeing,  vision,  range of sight and  view.  But what is a 'normal' viewpoint in a world so heavily veiled? Which version of truth are we  really  seeing and, if hidden truths are revealed, can we stand strong enough in our own constitution to weather the wobble in perception or will we to continue to unquestioningly believe in Santa Clause, Jesus Christ and the righteousness of war?  The year ahead will surely test our own acuity, willingness and ability to see through illusions and misdirection as patriarchy continues to crumble and we take collective responsibility for our part in it all.  2020 knocked on my door around Oct/Nov and, sensing great change to come, I made a commitment to work with her. The first thing she did was to blindfold me - her attempt to disable my need to know and plan and to enable my already expansive...

The Rhododendron and the Hazelnut

Rhododendron’s love dappled shade and plenty of decomposing organic matter. I’ve wondered many times this year, what in blazes persuaded me to plant a gorgeous sensitive Rhody out into an exposed spot in fierce sunshine? Was it to witness her vulnerability or to perhaps manifest in me a deeper wrestle with nature? 2019, in a hazelnut shell, has teased, promised and withheld; she has danced her dance of 3, using mirrors, seduction and temptation to guide this stubborn old soul into a deeper, more naked surrender. She has gentled my inner Centaur and invited his Chiron wounding to speak. She has asked me to ponder her questions. “Can you be still long enough for the universe to feed you grapes?” “Can you let go of the steering wheel now, sweetheart?” Tears flow heavy with relief as heart dares to sense what it might be like to put down heavy burdens and be held on this level. I mage: Chiron the tiredness by genkkis @ The prospects of relief and ease trigge...