Big Change - The Pivot Point

Summon Africa's Spirit by Ravaneli @ Deviant Art

I heard a sentence a couple of days really moved me.

"Gather power; invite the storm."

Hi again, it's been a while, August already and a lot is happening for us. I haven't written since March - the time when my diary began birthing a new prefix for client sessions - 'online with..'

Around this time I also began birthing my second You Tube channel - Listening and now, 43 video's later, here is my latest energy update.

As I reflect on this last video I really notice that the first card out was card number 44 - Visions of Life Beyond Death. Feels like I made this video an age ago and time is shifting from feeling elastic to completely absent right now. I don't know how my channel will evolve from here but evolve it must.

As we approach (some are already in it) this 8/8 Lionsgate energy, I know I'm not the only one staring down big change and here I'll circle back to the sentence - THE sentence!

This energy - this week - feels potent, still, calm, preparing, poised and very focused. I am quiet. It's feeling Sun Tzu. It's like something 'other' is preparing me for change; preparing me for Oya, who came to me today......

It bears repeating - these last 5 months will be very revealing for those on their conscious journey. The inner feminine, having integrated and learned to trust her sacred masculine, is ready to go for it, to fly, to spread wings, to soar, to destroy and to rebuild in a more aligned, balanced, harmonised way.

Check expectations - what does change look like for you? Birth is messy and definitely not for the faint hearted so, 
  • focus on the lion in the first picture
  • this is Leo fire season - think 'Heart of a Lion'
  • gather your strength
  • find ways to calm a busy mind if it tries to control change
  • find your inner 'No'
  • smile like you mean business
  • welcome in the changes and
  • let go of needing to know everything now - this is mystery!
Big love as always
Chrissy xxx


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