Big Change - The Pivot Point

Summon Africa's Spirit by Ravaneli @ Deviant Art I heard a sentence a couple of days really moved me. "Gather power; invite the storm." Hi again, it's been a while, August already and a lot is happening for us. I haven't written since March - the time when my diary began birthing a new prefix for client sessions - 'online with..' Around this time I also began birthing my second You Tube channel - Listening and now, 43 video's later, here is my latest energy update. As I reflect on this last video I really notice that the first card out was card number 44 - Visions of Life Beyond Death. Feels like I made this video an age ago and time is shifting from feeling elastic to completely absent right now. I don't know how my channel will evolve from here but evolve it must. As we approach (some are already in it) this 8/8 Lionsgate energy, I know I'm not the only one staring down big change and here I'll circle back to the sentence -...